Cambridge Healthtech Institute’s 5th Annual

Formulation and Stability

Innovative Solutions for Improved Safety, Design, and Delivery of Biotherapeutics

20 - 21 March 2024 ALL TIMES CET

Cambridge Healthtech Institute’s 5th Annual Formulation and Stability meeting utilizes solution-based approaches to improve biotherapeutic production. Here, we discuss topics such as increasing stability and safety profiles, improving targeting, process development, predictive modeling approaches, artificial intelligence applications, and novel biotherapeutic formulations. We warmly invite you to join us in these groundbreaking conversations that pave the way for advancements in this critical area of biomedical research.

Wednesday, 20 March

Registration Open10:30




Chairperson's Opening Remarks

Alois Jungbauer, PhD, Professor & Head, Biotechnology, Institute of Bioprocess Science and Engineering, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU)


What Have Monoclonal Antibodies Ever Done for Us? Past, Present, and Future Perspectives on Antibodies and How They Have Driven Bioprocessing Progress

Paul Varley, PhD, Senior Vice President, Development, Alchemab Therapeutics

Advances in bioprocessing have been pivotal to the emergence of monoclonal antibodies as one of the most successful classes of drugs in modern medicine. In this talk we will consider this journey and ask what's next for antibodies. We will also explore how advances in antibody bioprocessing continue to enable the next generation of biological medicines through the emergence of new product modalities.


Extracellular Vesicles as Promising Drug Modalities in Spinal Cord Injury and Other (Neuro-)Degenerative Diseases

Eva Rohde, MD, Chair, Transfusion Medicine, Director GMP Unit, Spinal Cord Injury and Tissue Regeneration Center Salzburg (SCI-TReCS), Paracelsus Medical University Salzburg

Extracellular vesicles (EVs) have emerged as promising new biologic drug modalities. EV therapeutics (EV-Tx) from mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) exert anti-inflammatory, anti-fibrotic and regenerative effects. MSC-EV-Tx could optimise healing after acute traumatic injury. Challenges in reproducible EV-Tx manufacturing prevent comprehensive evaluation of their efficacy. In early research, the paradigm of “the-process-is-the-product” is valid for complex biologicals. A “one-size-fits-all” approach to solve technical and regulatory issues is not available for EV-Tx. The claimed disease-related mechanisms of action (MoA) of candidate EV-Tx will determine regulatory requirements to be met. This presentation will introduce concepts to accelerate EV-Tx testing in various target diseases.

Session Break12:20

Sponsored Presentation (Opportunity Available)12:35

Networking Lunch (Sponsored Opportunity Available)13:05



Chairperson's Opening Remarks

Iris L. Batalha, PhD, La Caixa Junior Leader, Molecular Bionics, Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC)


The Viscosity Reduction Platform—Accelerating SC-Suitable High-Concentration Protein Formulations Using Machine Learning

Stefan Braun, Head of Laboratory, Liquid Formulation R&D, Merck

Viscosity is one major challenge in formulating highly concentrated protein therapeutics. Already during filtration steps in downstream processing, attractive interactions might lead to an increase in viscosity before reaching the final concentration. The Viscosity Reduction Platform provides a tailored approach to address these issues in manufacturing and final formulation. We developed a machine learning-based digital application to minimise the number of experiments needed to obtain tailor-made solutions for high-viscosity formulations.


Lab-on-a-Chip and Microfluidic Technologies in Nanomedicine

Dimitrios Lamprou, PhD, Chair of Biofabrication and Advanced Manufacturing, Queen's University Belfast

Progress in drug design has led to the development of new molecules. However, the limited ability to selectively deliver these molecules at well-defined dosing regimens and screening them remains a significant challenge. Therefore, the development of effective therapies relies on the development of effective carriers that are nontoxic, able to carry a significant payload of the molecule, with high accuracy, and which allow combination therapeutic platforms. Microfluidics is a technique which deals with flow of fluids within micron-sized channels. It provides a platform where nanomedicines can be synthesized in a controlled manner enabling to tune their size, charge, polydispersity, and other surface fictionalization properties. In addition, the technique is energetically economical, easier to use, comparatively cheaper, and faster, and also the molecules which haven’t been incorporated in the particles can be reused. The talk will cover the manufacturing of polymer-based and lipid-based Nanomedicines using microfluidics and comparison with traditional formulation methods. Moreover, the manufacturing of lab-on-a-chip by 3D printing for drug screening will also be discussed.


Next-Gen Nanomedicine—The Supramolecular Drug

Iris L. Batalha, PhD, La Caixa Junior Leader, Molecular Bionics, Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC)

Nanoparticles have traditionally been seen as mere carriers for small molecules and biotherapeutics, but this might soon become a paradigm of the past. At Molecular Bionics, we are working on the design of multifunctional nanomedicines that are intrinsically and structurally therapeutic. With an initial focus on inflammation and infection, we combine the phenotypic targeting of specific cell populations with naturally metabolisable polymers that activate disease-specific biological pathways. 

15:50 Uncover the Secrets of Your ADC with Unchained Labs

Andre Mueller, PhD, Marketing Manager, Biologics Solutions, Marketing, Unchained Labs

Antibody conjugates are powerful drugs – but also notorious: they aggregate and there’s never enough sample to do everything you want. Unchained Labs provides the right tools for this job: low volume, high throughput, integrated solutions making it easy to scope out any biologic – even ADCs. Join my talk and see how our solutions quantitate ADC and DAR, check quality, aggregation, conformational and colloidal stability, helping you optimize formulation conditions.

Refreshment Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing16:20


Formulation Development of an Early-Stage Hydrophobic Bispecific Antibody

Japneet Kaur, PhD, Senior Scientist, CMC, Takeda Pharmaceuticals

Speed of formulation development of early-stage biologics is critical for regulatory filing and first in-human dose. Platform formulations are often implemented to meet the accelerated timelines for Phase I formulation development of standard monoclonal antibodies. However, for other modalities like bispecific antibodies, additional buffer/excipient screening might be needed to get a stable formulation. Here, we will discuss a case study for formulation development of a hydrophobic bispecific antibody.



Innovative Vaccine Formulations for Equitable Access

Renske Hesselink, PhD, CMC Technology Lead, Mfg & Supply Chain, CEPI Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown how critical formulation and stability are for equitable access to vaccines. Stable presentations that are easy to distribute and administer are essential to make these vaccines available to all people who need them, both in outbreak situations and for routine immunization. CEPI is investing in novel presentations, such as microarray patches and solid dosage forms, to improve equitable access to vaccines.


18:00Interactive Breakout Discussions

Interactive Breakout Discussions are informal, moderated discussions, allowing participants to exchange ideas and experiences and develop future collaborations around a focused topic. Each discussion will be led by a facilitator who keeps the discussion on track and the group engaged. To get the most out of this format, please come prepared to share examples from your work, be a part of a collective, problem-solving session, and participate in active idea sharing. Please visit the Interactive Breakout Discussions page on the conference website for a complete listing of topics and descriptions.


Drug Formulation: Opportunities for Improvement and Future Directions

Stefan Braun, Head of Laboratory, Liquid Formulation R&D, Merck

  • Addressing current formulation challenges
  • Improving drug stability and safety
  • The future of drug delivery: emerging trends and technologies​​

Close of Day18:30

Thursday, 21 March

Registration and Morning Coffee08:00



Chairperson's Opening Remarks

Michelle P. Zoeller, PhD, Senior Scientist, Liquid Formulation R&D, Merck Life Science KGaA


Particle Load on Polypropylen Deep Well Plates

Katrin Geschwendt, Bionter

Benjamin Otto, PD Dr., Innovation Manager, Eppendorf SE

Bionter and Eppendorf join forces in an expedition to investigate sub-visible particle loads in sterile 96-well deep well plates. The study aims to follow up the legend of a correlation between plate frame-color and particle loads. Next-generation, automated, light obscuration system EVE is utilised to determine particle sizes and quantities. This collaborative analysis underscores Eppendorf´s dedication to continuously improving the understanding in delivering high-quality lab consumables and batch-to-batch consistency, empowering more informed decision-making in research environments.


The Protein Stabilising Capability of Surfactants against Agitation- and Surface-Induced Stresses

Michelle P. Zoeller, PhD, Senior Scientist, Liquid Formulation R&D, Merck Life Science KGaA

The application of surfactants, mainly polysorbates, is a common practice to prevent surface- or agitation-induced protein aggregation in liquid formulation. However, polysorbates, despite their common application, bring along disadvantages, including chemical and enzymatic instability. This presentation will provide an overview of the protein-stabilising capability of surfactants against agitation- and interface-induced stresses, and corresponding assays for its evaluation. Furthermore, a focus is set to alternative surfactants suitable to replace polysorbates.


Balancing Stability, Safety, and Innovation in Drug Development


Michelle P. Zoeller, PhD, Senior Scientist, Liquid Formulation R&D, Merck Life Science KGaA

  • Integrating stability and safety considerations into the early stages of drug development
  • Meeting rapid drug demand while maintaining safety and stability standards
  • Emerging tech and approaches for improved drug stability and formulation
  • Improvements that are needed for better safety and stability of drug products

Christoph Brandenbusch, PhD, Assistant Professor, Bioprocess Separations & Biologics Formulation Development, TU Dortmund University

Renske Hesselink, PhD, CMC Technology Lead, Mfg & Supply Chain, CEPI Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations

Jan Jezek, CSO, R&D, Arecor

Coffee Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing10:30


Predicting and Increasing the Long-Term Stability of Lyophilised mAb Solutions Based on Water Activity

Christoph Brandenbusch, PhD, Assistant Professor, Bioprocess Separations & Biologics Formulation Development, TU Dortmund University

Excipients and excipient mixtures within liquid and lyophilized biopharmaceutical formulations are mainly identified based on screening or heuristic approaches. Physically-sound modelling approaches, especially predictive modelling approaches, are desirable to identify excipients and excipient mixtures based intermolecular interactions in solution. We will present a novel approach, considering water activity/water activity coefficients as criteria to determine the optimal excipient mixture for a given liquid/lyophilized formulation in an early development stage.


A Universal Tool for Stability Predictions of Biotherapeutics, Vaccines, and in vitro Diagnostic Products

Pierre Ballesta, PhD, Biotechnology Engineer, Capgemini

Biopharmaceutical companies utilise Advanced Kinetic Modeling (AKM) to ensure the stability and efficacy of delicate biomolecules during storage and transport. Following quality-by-design principles, AKM predicts long-term shelf-life based on accelerated stability studies. Evaluated across various biotherapeutics and vaccines, AKM demonstrates accurate stability forecasts up to 3 years, confirming its universal reliability for diverse products, even those with temperature excursions.


Prediction of Long-Term Polysorbate Degradation According to Short-Term Degradation Kinetics

Hui Xiao, PhD, Associate Director, Analytical Chemistry, Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

We've developed a rapid platform for predicting the long-term degradation of polysorbates in protein therapeutic formulations, crucial for preventing denaturation and aggregation. Using a temperature-dependent equation derived from existing PS20 degradation data, we accurately forecasted PS20 and PS80 hydrolysis for up to 2 years within just 2 weeks of short-term kinetics studies. This platform significantly expedites the assessment of PS degradation, aiding in refining purification processes and optimising antibody formulations.

Networking Lunch12:30



Chairperson's Remarks

Kadie Edwards, PhD, Post Doc, Swansea University


Biopharmaceutical Formulation—Platform Approaches or Innovation?

Jan Jezek, CSO, R&D, Arecor

Formulation is an integral part of drug product development. Platform formulation approaches are often used for specific types of therapeutic modalities to ensure efficient “fast-to-clinic” development. At the same time there are increasing demands for convenient patient-centric products that may require innovative formulation approaches. The talk, which will include several case studies, will demonstrate benefits of innovative formulation and address the balance between routine vs. innovative formulation.


Methods for Addressing Host Cell Protein Impurities in Biopharmaceutical Product Development

Nicholas J Darton, PhD, Associate Director, AstraZeneca

A key challenge to the cost and stability of monoclonal antibodies (mAb) is in the control of host cell protein (HCP) impurities. HCPs often co-purify with the desired mAb product and can impact the stability of the final mAb protein product. Here, we explore established and new techniques for HCP mitigation that could be implemented in the future to improve the quality and stability of the final mAb drug product.


Platform Polymer Technologies for Targeting Solid-Tumor Cancers; Druggable Targets for Advanced Therapeutics

Kadie Edwards, PhD, Post Doc, Swansea University

In this presentation, we will discuss cutting-edge Platform Polymer Technologies tailored for the targeted treatment of solid-tumor cancers. Delving into druggable targets, our exploration advances the frontier of therapeutic possibilities. Join us for insights into groundbreaking strategies that promise enhanced precision and efficacy, heralding a new era in advanced cancer therapeutics.

Close of Summit15:20